The presumption of innocence is central to British law. 英国法律的核心是假定无罪。
It think about that presumption regulation if can use for the paternity testing in practice the rule of law. 对亲子鉴定法律实践中证据推定规则适用进行了思考。
Today, liability without negligence and presumption of causation have environmental tort law all over the world. 当前,无过失责任和因果关系推定制度已经成为世界各国的立法通制。
The system of presumption is well-developed in both Anglo-American genealogy of law and continental genealogy of law, which devote much attention to not only legislation but also legal theory. 推定制度在英美法系和大陆法系都很发达,无论立法抑或理论上都非常重视。
An MP Approach to Possessor Raising in Chinese On the Rule of Ownership Presumption in Favor of the Possessor in Property Law 领有名词移位:基于MP的分析论物权法中占有的权利推定规则
There are no specific provisions to presumption of causation, but it is applied in practice in our law. 我国法律对此缺乏明文规定,但在处理环境侵权案件的实践中,已广泛采用这一规则。
The principle of presumption of innocence is not an absolutely necessary designation in legal technique under the principle of rule of law. 在法治原则下无罪推定不是必须的法律技术设计。
Principle of Presumption of Innocence in the View of Evidence Law 证据法视野下的无罪推定原则
Innocent presumption is a general recognized principle of criminal law around the world. Applying Limit of the Doctrine The Accused Presumed Innocent until Proven Guilty 无罪推定原则是国际通行的一条刑事法治原则,但无罪推定原则在我国则处境困顿。存疑时有利于被告原则的适用界限
Analyze from the angle of demonstration, presumption of fault is the result of law experience and deduction, not the arbitrariness of the judge, which endows presumption of fault rationality, and can be accommodated by legal system. 从实证的角度分析,过错推定是一种法律经验和逻辑推论的结果,而不是立法者的任意,这使得过错推定制度具有一种特定法律发展的合理性,并能为法学理论体系所容纳。
From the intension of the principle of the presumption of innocence, there are two parts of concrete system: the basic law system and the derive law system. 从无罪推定原则的内涵可以看出,有关无罪推定原则的具体法律制度包括基本制度与派生制度两大部分。
Presumption of innocence means that anyone is innocent from the law perspective before he is validated criminality through legal procedures. 无罪推定是指任何人在没有经过法定的司法程序最终确认为有罪之前,在法律上把他看作是无罪的人。
With the comparison study of the subjective assumption of environmental pollution crime in both academic circle and practice circle, this paper claims that the system of fault presumption and inverted onus of proof should be adopted for our criminal law. 本文在比较国内外学术界和实务界对于环境污染犯罪主观方面认定的基础上,提出我国刑法对此应采取过错推定和举证责任倒置制度。
As a measure of judging the facts in issue, the presumption of fact is practiced more widely than presumption of law in judicial areas. 民事诉讼中,事实推定作为法官认定案件事实的一种裁判方法,在司法实践中的应用范围比法律推定更为广泛。
As a generally accepted principle of international criminal justice, the doctrine of presumption of innocence underlying criminal procedural law is widely affirmed and established in most countries. 无罪推定原则被称为刑诉法的基石性原则,它是现代世界大多数国家刑法或刑事诉讼法中确立或承认的一项基本原则,堪称一项公认的重要国际刑事司法准则。
The Basic Theoretical Presumption of the Economic Analysis of Law 法律的经济分析的基本理论预设
The rule of ownership presumption in favor of the possessor is very important in the property law. 占有的权利推定规则是物权法中的一项重要规则。
The basic rules of presumption exertion in civil litigation should be divided into the presumptions of law and the presumptions of facts because of the different functions between presumptions of law and presumptions of facts. 由于法律推定和事实推定的诉讼功能不同,民事诉讼中推定适用的基本规则应分为法律推定与事实推定两种。
The relevant terms of presumption of fact in Chinese law is scarce, only found in judicial interpretation. 我国有关事实推定问题的法律规定相当匮乏,仅存在于司法解释当中。
I believe that presumption of causal relationship in civil standard of proof is procedural law problems in the field, from the areas of substantive law to resolve problems in the present circumstances. 笔者认为,民事诉讼中因果关系推定与证明标准属于诉讼法领域的问题,从实体法领域中寻求解决问题的方法无疑是缘木求鱼。
However, the presumption of law plays a different role with the legal fiction. 然而另一种填补法律漏洞的立法手段&法律推定,却发挥着与法律拟制不同的作用。
Presumption of innocence is a generally accepted principles of law, any person without independent judicial bodies in determining guilt before, in law should be presumed innocent people. 无罪推定是一条普遍接受的法理原则,任何人在未经独立的司法机构依法确定有罪之前,在法律上应当被视为无罪的人。
Main results are: 1, Distinguish the difference of strict liability of the Criminal Law and presumption of fault liability and the strict liability of the Civil Law and the causality presumption in Continental, in order to analyse the strict liability of environmental crimes. 主要研究成果是:1、将刑法中的严格责任与过错推定责任、民法上的严格责任、大陆法系中的因果关系推定进行区别,从而更好地分析环境犯罪中的严格责任。
The methods of confirmation include admission, judicial notice, and rule of experience, and presumption of law. 认证方式则包括当事人自认、司法认知、经验法则和法律推定等方面。
Many countries accept presumption of innocence as the essence of criminal procedure law, even prescribed and proclaimed in writing in the Constitutional Law. 许多国家将无罪推定原则列为刑事诉讼的一项基本原则,有的甚至在宪法中明文规定。
Major focus is the analysis of Legal Liability of Burden of Proof in presumption of both law and facts. 主要结合法律上的推定与事实上的推定两方面具体评析证明责任之分配。
Value of rule of thumb in civil proceedings is analyzed from aspects of presumption of facts, evidence evaluation, choice of law, standard proof of legal justice and balance, and sense of conflict. 从事实推定、证据评价、选择法律、证明标准和平衡司法裁判的法理、情理的冲突五个方面,分析了经验法则在民事诉讼中的价值。
In addition, this section also describes the legal fiction and the presumption of law. 此外,本部分还介绍了法律拟制和法律推定两种立法技术。
Seeming as a small question, the presumption not only is close to the elements of crime, but also intertwined with the suit model and burden of prove. Because of that, the presumption is a question of substantive law, of procedural law as well. 推定看似刑事法中小问题,但它不仅与实体法中的犯罪构成要件密切相关,还与程序法中的诉讼模式、证明责任等纠缠在一起,因此既是实体法问题,又是程序法问题。
Introducing the Criminal Law Article 13, then finding out the difference of the presumption of consent and application of criminal law applicable to Article 13 treatment of non-criminal, that is, the difference in requirements of social harm. 首先,指出适用推定同意和适用刑法第13条但书对案件进行非犯罪化处理的区别,即两者对社会危害性的有无要求不同。